This Creative Life

Welcome to the creative work of Alan White, head writer and producer of "FEEDBACK; A HERO'S CALLING," now at Broken Sea. The "Feedback" in question is Matthew Atherton, My Hero. He and other heroes of mine have links found down the left side of these pages. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

NaNoWriMo Day 16

I'll be out late tonight, but I managed to bang out a few more words. I got my protagonist and his cohorts together and ready to take up the quest. From here on out it's a matter of following leads, surviving encounters, learning more about each other, settling interpersonal conflicts, and overcoming the final obstacle.

Here's the rub--Day 16 means I should have 25K words or more. I do not. But I do have mountains of inspiration. My protagonist has a lot to learn about his hero and about himself. It's all in place. I just need, like, a 16-hour marathon of writing and I'm sure I'd make the daily total goal.

One thing I am trying to capture--the encounters cannot be boring or rote. They have to be different for me to be satisfied with them. And I want to be able to use each encounter to advance my characters' goals.

The other thing is, the place I want to submit first to asks for 100K words, not 50K. So even when I meet the goal and "win" my place in NaNoWriMo 2006, I still want/need to have more to say. I don't want there to be a bunch of useless words on a page to make me reach that goal.

One more thing is, I double-spaced the words and put them in a single document. I have 68 pages of stuff so far! Woo!


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