Song Of My Week
He will never stop loving me...
He'll never stop loving me
All my sins he
washed away
On Calvary
He will never stop loving me
(Repeat with harmony)
By His power
By His
I'll be protected
all of
my days
He sees the sparrow
He knows the lamb
He loves me
Just the way I
(and I know)
(Repeat with harmony; lead singer echoes the chorus lines)
My soul's rejoicing
My heart will(!) sing
Not knowing what tomorrow
may bring
But should I stumble
Should I fall
I know
His love won't change
He will never stop
Loving YOU
(My Lord won't stop)
He'll never stop loving
('Cause he gave his only Son for you...)
All your sins he washed away
On Calvary
(He has washed away)
He will never stop loving
He will never...
No my Lord won't stop....
My Lord will never....
Loving you......
My Lord will never....
He will never stop loving you,
And I
He will never stop
Loving YOU
(My Lord WON'T STOP)
He'll never stop loving
(No my Lord, He just can't stop)
All your sins he washed away
On Calvary
He will never stop loving
(My Lord won't stop)
He will never stop loving you
(He. Won't. Stop.)
He will never stop loving you
I wish you could hear these Swedish people flat KICK it. You can only barely hear their accents, and their syncopated timing and word delays are every bit ethnic gospel as the Brooklyn Tabernacle.
It's the same Spirit, don'tcha know.